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Change Data Capture (CDC)#

The process of ingesting changes from a source database. It provides real-time or near real-time data movement by moving data continuously as new database events occur.

CDC is a very efficient way to move data across a wide area network, perfect for the cloud.

Here are a few examples:

  • Load real-time data into a data warehouse

Operational databases are not good for heavy analytical workloads. Therefore, operational data should be moved to a data warehouse to perform analysis. The traditional batch-based ETL has a latency issue. But with CDC, we can capture source data changes as they occur and deliver them to the data warehouse in real time.

  • Load real-time data into real-time frameworks

Database events can be delivered to real-time process engines like Apache Kafka and Apache Flink to apply transformations and provide real-time insights.

  • Data replication/synchronization

The source database might be located on an on-premises server. We can use CDC to capture and propagate every data change to the cloud. It can also be used to sync servers within the cloud.




Every row in the source has a timestamp column named update_timestamp (or other similar names), which stores the timestamp of when the record was recently updated.

Every update on the row will overwrite the update_timestamp column.

The target system polls on an interval and updates the target database accordingly.

3 steps of the time-based CDC approach are:

  • Get the maximum value of update_timestamp in the target system. This was when the last sync happened.
  • Select all the rows from the source with update_timestamp > the target's maximum timestamp.
  • Insert or modify existing rows in the target system.


  • The logic can be implemented purely in SQL.
  • No external tool is required.


  • DML statements such as DELETE won't propagate to the target system because there's no updated_timestamp for a deleted row.
  • For a wide table, the SELECT * statement may scan irrelevant data if only a few columns get updated. It requires extra hardware resources to update the entire rows in the target table.


With a trigger-based approach, three triggers are created for each source table, listening to the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE events respectively.

For each event, the corresponding trigger inserts one row into a changelog table.

The changelog table is stored in the database itself and is a sequence of state-changing events.

3 steps of the trigger-based CDC approach:

  • Create 3 triggers for each source table.
  • Whenever a row's state changes, a corresponding trigger appends a new row to the changelog table.
  • The changelog table propagates the changes to the target table instantly.


  • We can define the trigger function and log table schema as we wish.
  • The changes can be captured almost as soon as they are made.


  • Transactions can be slowed by the extra triggers.
  • Moreover, triggers must be defined for each table, which can cause overhead if the source table is replicated multiple times.

Challenge: Build a postgres audit trigger#

A use case of the database event trigger is sending changes to an audit log table. The table records the old and new records, the user who made the change, and a timestamp of the change.

In this example, we will build a Postgres audit trigger in the GCP environment with its Cloud SQL service


You need to have Google Cloud Platform account to run below code. You can create here

  • Create a postgres instance
gcloud sql instances create my-db \
--database-version=POSTGRES_9_6 --cpu=1 \
--memory=3840MiB --zone=us-central1-a \
  • Connect to the Postgres instance After few minutes, the Postgres database will be created. Next, let's connect to the database using the gcloud command.
apt-get update
apt-get install postgresql-client
gcloud sql connect my-db --user=postgres
  • Run SQL to create source table, audit table and triggers
-- createa audit table
CREATE TABLE audit.logged_actions (
    op CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
    user_id CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    first_name VARCHAR(20),
    last_name VARCHAR(20),
    salary INT

-- create source table
CREATE TABLE employees(
   first_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
   last_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
   salary INT

-- create function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION audit_employee_change() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $employee_audit$
    IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE' ) THEN INSERT INTO audit.logged_actions SELECT 'D', now(), user, OLD.*;
    ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN INSERT INTO audit.logged_actions SELECT 'U', now(), user, NEW.*;
    ELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN INSERT INTO audit.logged_actions SELECT 'I', now(), user, NEW.*;
    END IF;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- create trigger using the function
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit_employee_change();
  • Let's perform the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations in the employees table
INSERT INTO employees values ('Alice','Liu',5000);
INSERT INTO employees values ('Bob', 'Li', 7000);
UPDATE employees SET salary=8000 WHERE first_name='Alice';
DELETE FROM employees where first_name='Bob';
  • Finally, let's check the audit table.
SELECT * FROM audit.logged_actions;
  • After finishing the Postgres exercise, run this command to delete the instance
gcloud sql instances delete my-db


Most online transaction processing (OLTP) uses a transaction log to record all the data changes in the database. In case of a database crash, the transaction log will be used to fully recover the system. With log-based CDC, events are directly read from the source database's native transaction logs instead of creating a separate log table like a trigger-based approach.

log-based CDC


  • It doesn't add additional tables or require additional queries for each transaction, thus having no impact on the data model.


  • Parsing transaction logs is a challenge.

Most databases have different log formats, sometimes they don't document them very well. This would potentially require us to change log parsing logic whenever a new database version is released.

  • Adding an additional log level can increase performance overhead