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DDL vs. DML#

SQL statements are broadly categorized into two groups: Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML).


DDL is a set of commands used to create, modify, and delete database objects such as tables, views, indexes, and constraints. Here are a few DDL commands:

  • CREATE: Create new database objects such as tables.
  • ALTER: Modify existing database objects such as adding or removing columns from the table.
  • DROP: Delete a database object such as a table or index.
  • TRUNCATE: Delete all data from a table without deleting the table itself.
  • RENAME: Rename an existing database object, like a table or column.
-- Create table
CREATE TABLE fruits_price (
    fruit varchar(255),
    price float
CREATE TABLE exchange_rate (
    from_cur varchar(255),
    to_eur varchar(255),
    rate float

-- Add column
ALTER TABLE fruits_price
ADD COLUMN category varchar(255) AFTER price;

-- Drop table
DROP TABLE exchange_rate;

-- Truncate table
TRUNCATE TABLE fruits_price;

-- Rename column
ALTER TABLE fruits_price
CHANGE price price_eur float;


DML is a set of commands used to manipulate the data. Here are a few DML commands:

  • SELECT: Retrieve data from tables or views.
  • INSERT: Add one or more records to a table.
  • UPDATE: Modify data of one or more records.
  • DELETE: Remove one or more records from the table.
  • MERGE: Handle inserts, updates, and deletes all in a single transaction without writing separate logic for each of these.
-- Select
SELECT 'Select statement' as '';
SELECT * FROM fruits_price;

-- Insert
INSERT INTO fruits_price (fruit, price)
VALUES ('blueberry',7.0);

-- Update
UPDATE fruits_price
SET price = 1.5
WHERE fruit = 'apple';

-- Delete
DELETE FROM fruits_price
WHERE fruit = 'banana';
SELECT * FROM fruits_price;

-- MYSQL doesn't support merge, here is the alternative
SELECT 'REPLACE(MERGE) statement' as '';
CREATE TABLE src_fruits_price (
    fruit varchar(255),
    price float
INSERT INTO src_fruits_price (fruit, price) -- create a source table
VALUES ('watermelon', 7.0), ('lime', 3.5);
REPLACE INTO fruits_price (fruit, price)
SELECT fruit,price FROM src_fruits_price;
SELECT * FROM fruits_price;