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Assume there is a parent class named Shape from which the child classes Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, and Diamond are derived.

Suppose your application will need methods to calculate the area of each specific shape. The area for each shape is calculated differently, which is why you can’t have a single implementation. You could throw in separate methods in each class (for instance, getSquareArea(), getCircleArea() etc.). But this makes it harder to remember each method’s name.

Make things simpler with polymorphism#

It would be better if all specific area calculation methods could be called getArea(). You would only have to remember one method name and when you call that method, the method specific to that object would be called. This can be achieved in object-oriented programming using polymorphism. The base class declares a function without providing an implementation. Each derived class inherits the function declaration and can provide its own implementation

Consider that the Shape class has a method called getArea(), which is inherited by all subclasses mentioned. With polymorphism, each subclass may have its own way of implementing the method. For example, when the getArea() method is called on an object of the Rectangle class, the method will respond by displaying the area of the rectangle. On the other hand, when the same method is called on an object of the Circle class, the circle’s area will be calculated and displayed on the screen.

Polymorphism through method#

Consider two shapes that are defined as classes: Rectangle and Circle. These classes contain the getArea() method that calculates the area for the respective shape depending on the values of their properties.

class Rectangle():

    # initializer
    def __init__(self, width=0, height=0):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.sides = 4

    # method to calculate Area
    def getArea(self):
        return (self.width * self.height)

class Circle():
    # initializer
    def __init__(self, radius=0):
        self.radius = radius
        self.sides = 0

    # method to calculate Area
    def getArea(self):
        return (self.radius * self.radius * 3.142)

shapes = [Rectangle(6, 10), Circle(7)]
print("Sides of a rectangle are", str(shapes[0].sides))
print("Area of rectangle is:", str(shapes[0].getArea()))

print("Sides of a circle are", str(shapes[1].sides))
print("Area of circle is:", str(shapes[1].getArea()))

Polymorphism through Inheritance#

Consider the example of a Shape class, which is the base class while many shapes like Rectangle and Circle extending from the base class are derived classes. These derived classes inherit the getArea() method and provide a shape-specific implementation, which calculates its area.

class Shape:
    def __init__(self):  # initializing sides of all shapes to 0
        self.sides = 0

    def getArea(self):

class Rectangle(Shape):  # derived from Shape class
    # initializer
    def __init__(self, width=0, height=0):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.sides = 4

    # method to calculate Area
    def getArea(self):
        return (self.width * self.height)

class Circle(Shape):  # derived from Shape class
    # initializer
    def __init__(self, radius=0):
        self.radius = radius

    # method to calculate Area
    def getArea(self):
        return (self.radius * self.radius * 3.142)

shapes = [Rectangle(6, 10), Circle(7)]
print("Area of rectangle is:", str(shapes[0].getArea()))
print("Area of circle is:", str(shapes[1].getArea()))


  • Follow on Task: Implement Animal Class and its solution
    Implement Animal Class

    A parent class named Animal.

    Inside it, define:
        Animal_details() function
            It prints the name and sound of the Animal.

    Then there are two derived classes

    Dog class
        Has a property family
        Has an initializer that calls the parent class initializer in it through super()
        Has an overridden method named Animal_details() which prints detail of the dog.

    Sheep class
        Has a property color
        Has an initializer that calls the parent class initializer in it through super()
        Has an overridden method named Animal_details(), which prints detail of the sheep

    The derived classes should override the Animal_details() method defined in the Animal class.
        The overridden method in Dog class should print the value of family as well as the name and sound.
        The overridden method in Sheep class should print the value of color as well as the name and sound

        name of Dog is set to Pongo, sound is set to Woof Woof, and family is set to Carnivore in the initializer of Dog object.
        name of Sheep is set to Billy, sound is set to Baaa Baaa, and color is set to White in the initializer of Sheep object.
        Now, call Animal_details() from their respective objects.

    Sample Input
        d = Dog("Pongo", "Woof Woof", "Husky")
        print(" ")
        s = Sheep("Billy", "Baaa Baaa", "White")

    Sample Output
        Name: Pongo
        Sound: Woof Woof
        Family: Husky

        Name: Billy
        Sound: Baa Baa
        Color: White

class Animal:
    # write your class here

class Dog(Animal):
    # write your class here

class Sheep(Animal):
# write your class here
class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name, sound): = name
        self.sound = sound

    def Animal_details(self):
        print("Sound:", self.sound)

class Dog(Animal):
    def __init__(self, name, sound, family):
        super().__init__(name, sound) = family

    def Animal_details(self):

class Sheep(Animal):
    def __init__(self, name, sound, color):
        super().__init__(name, sound)
        self.color = color

    def Animal_details(self):
        print("Color:", self.color)

d = Dog("Pongo", "Woof Woof", "Husky")
s = Sheep("Billy", "Baa Baa", "White")