Queue-Based Distribution#
In some cases, the best response is to accept a job and promise to execute it later. Implementing a distributed system using queues is a trade-off, improving throughput with the drawback of increased latency.
Looking at basic architecture, it's composed of two elements, steps as follow:
- a queue that stores jobs and workers that consume the jobs from a queue
- process them
- send the result to another destination
When an application makes such a promise, a job distribution mechanism is needed. The upside is that if correctly implemented, it allows the application to scale its workload horizontally pretty easily.
the RQ Library provides a simple and direct approach to implement a queue in Python program. The letter R and Q are used to designate Redis and Queue.
is an open-source in-memory database project implementing a networked, in-memory key-value store with optional durability.
RQ workers#
By using RQ, an application can push jobs into a Redis database and have workers executing these jobs asynchronously.
You can only run below code once redis server is already run.
import time
from rq import Queue
from redis import Redis
q = Queue(connection=Redis())
job = q.enqueue(sum, [42, 43])
# Wait until the result is ready --
while job.result is None:
Celery is another queue management system. In contrast to RQ, it is broker agnostic and can use various software as a broker, such as Redis, RabbitMQ or Amazon SQS.
Celery backend#
Celery also needs a backend for storing the results of the job. It supports a variety of solutions, such as Redis, MongoDB, SQL databases, ElasticSearch, files, etc.
Celery implements its own serialization format for its jobs. However, this format is not specific to Python. That means it is possible to implement job creators or consumers in different languages.
Celery task execution: Worker and queues#
In Celery, tasks are functions that can be called asynchronously. When called, Celery puts them in the broker queue for execution. Remote workers then execute the tasks, putting the task results into the backend.
When called, a task returns a celery.result.AsyncResult
import celery
app = celery.Celery('celery-task',
def add(x, y):
return x + y
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = add.delay(4, 4)
print("Task state: %s" % result.state)
print("Result: %s" % result.get())
print("Task state: %s" % result.state)
Above example is a simple implementation of a Celery task. The Celery application is created with the main module name as its first argument, and then the URL to access the broker and backends.
the app.task
function decorator registers the add task so it can be used asynchronously in the application, leveraging Celery workers for execution.
If you run the code above, it will be PENDING, until the workers is ready. To initiate the workers, run command
Once the worker is ready, the result in earlier code will be shown.
Celery: Chaining Tasks#
Celery supports chaining tasks, which allows you to build more complex workflows.
import celery
app = celery.Celery('celery-task',
def add(x, y):
return x + y
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = add.delay(4, 4)
print("Task state: %s" % result.state)
print("Result: %s" % result.get())
print("Task state: %s" % result.state)
to run code above, you need to start the worker first by running
Building a program with multiple idempotent functions that can be chained together is very natural in functional programming. Again, this kind of design makes it very easy to parallelize job execution and therefore makes it possible to increase the throughput of your program and scale its execution horizontally.
Celery: Multiple Queues#
By default, Celery uses a single queue named celery
However, it is possible to use multiple queues to spread the distribution of the tasks.
This feature makes it possible to have finer control over the distribution of the jobs to execute.
Low priority job#
For example, it's common to have a queue dedicated to low-priority jobs, where only a few workers are available.
Notice the new options in the worker command --queues celery, low-priority
import celery
app = celery.Celery('celery-task-queue',
def add(x, y):
return x + y
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = add.apply_async(args=[4, 6], queue='low-priority')
print("Task state: %s" % result.state)
print("Result: %s" % result.get())
print("Task state: %s" % result.state)
to start the workers with queue low-priority and tag celery
You might be familiar with this backend concept as you're using Airflow as much as building the pipelines.